Handling frustrations is one of those things that takes a while,  it’s a skill that you have to develop in sports. Parents need to help your athlete cope with frustration.

  • Let them know that it’s momentary. Remind them just to move on and engage the next moment.
  • Frustration teaches you patience. Let them know its a natural part of the learning and growing process.
  • Frustration is not all negative it teaches you how to have a strong mindset. It can build character.
  • Being frustrated can teach you to how to get into that Zen moment, that zone, to  overcome those frustrations through concentration.

Parents don’t be too quick to give them the answers, instead of doing that, let them work through the process, coach them but let them give you the answers of how they feel so they can learn how to be resilient and learn how to make their own decisions, learn how to work through their frustrations.

Check out Dealing With Frustration  on the “The Brand” & “The Source” podcast show.

By Aaron Thigpen, Gamespeed Sports March 2021