There’s a BOOM of gyms opening up all over the country. Unfortunately their in garages, bedrooms and back yards.
SIP (Shelter In Place) It’s a reality for everyone. What can an athlete do to stay in shape?  Everyday I’m getting more and more calls from clients who want home programs. Their equipment status ranges from none to full blown gyms. So what can you do? Answer is, quite a bit. You can sustain or maybe even make gains with the proper program, attitude, minimal space and equipment.
Here’s some “Inside Game” suggestions on how to navigate SIP training.
Minimum Space – An 8’x8′ space is great for lifting, cardio, agility and range of movement activities.
Floor Surface – Use what you got but if you are doing lots of jumping maybe find a grassy, carpeted space or place a mat down (rubber preferred).
None – Body weight exercises are a great place to start. Calisthenics, plyometrics (jumps), aerobics, partner resistance can all be accomplished. There are hundreds of exercises and variations.
Weights – Dumbbells or Kettlebell’s are great and very versatile. Don’t get a whole set just get what you need 2-3 pairs would be fine.
Medicine Balls – There are a variety or types.  I suggest a slam ball, they don’t bounce so safe for small space usage. Again 1-2 , a heavy for strength and light for explosiveness.
Plyo Box – A sturdy box, bench or chair is great for jumping exercises, and upper and lower body routines.  The hard,solid ones offer more flexibility over the soft or foam ones.
Cones – Flat or pointed are great for markers in agility work or barriers for jump exercises. You wont need more than 8 -10 depending on space.
Other equipment and thoughts:
Workout Enhancers – Ankle weights, vests, belts, rubber bands, tubing and such can add another dimension and level of intensity.
Where to buy – Second hand is a great place to start (Ebay, Craigslist). The items I listed above are pretty much bullet proof unless really abused. There’s tons of this equipment laying around in garages across the country not being used. Just keep an eye on shipping costs, usually no taxes.  Going new is also an option especially if they cover shipping costs.
If you have questions on how to put together your own how gym or want a workout plan  consultation feel free to contact me at Aaron Thigpen Gamespeed 925 222-9612.
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